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apply() - Method in class dev.roanh.picross.Board.StateChange
Applies the change described by this event.
applyStateChange(int, int, Tile) - Method in class dev.roanh.picross.Board
Changes the state of the given title to the given new value.


BACKDROP - Static variable in class dev.roanh.picross.Board
Background color for numbers when they start moving with the view.
baseType - Variable in class dev.roanh.picross.Board
Current tile type of the tile an area selection was started from.
Board - Class in dev.roanh.picross
Board class that keeps track of the game state and displays the puzzle.
Board(Seed) - Constructor for class dev.roanh.picross.Board
Constructs a new board from the given seed.
board - Static variable in class dev.roanh.picross.Main
The board that is currently shown.
Board.StateChange - Class in dev.roanh.picross
Event describing a state change of a single tile.
boardAction(Consumer<Board>) - Static method in class dev.roanh.picross.Main
Constructs an action listener that invokes the given function on the current game board is one is present.


canOverride(Tile, boolean, Tile) - Method in enum dev.roanh.picross.Tile
Check to see if the given tile can replace this tile.
changeZoom(double) - Method in class dev.roanh.picross.Board
Changes the current zoom level to the given level.
checkSolution() - Method in class dev.roanh.picross.Board
Checks to see if the board is in a solved state and if so updates the internal state of this board to reflect that by stopping time from passing and setting the Board.solved flag to true.
clearMistakes() - Method in class dev.roanh.picross.Board
Clears any titles that have a tile that doesn't match the original solution for the board.
colHints - Variable in class dev.roanh.picross.Board
Hint numbers for each column.
colJudgement - Variable in class dev.roanh.picross.Board
Current marking judgement for all the columns.
computeColJudgement(int) - Method in class dev.roanh.picross.Board
Computes the judgement for the given column.
computeJudgement(int, int) - Method in class dev.roanh.picross.Board
Computes the judgement for the given row and column.
computeJudgement(Boolean[], int[], int, Function<Integer, Tile>) - Method in class dev.roanh.picross.Board
Computes the judgement for a row or column by stating which numbers have to be grayed out or which numbers have to be rendered in red because they are marked invalid.
computeRowJudgement(int) - Method in class dev.roanh.picross.Board
Computes the judgement for the given row.


DELTA - Static variable in class dev.roanh.picross.Board
Number of pixels to move by when moving the view.
density - Variable in class dev.roanh.picross.Seed
The tile density of the board.
dev.roanh.picross - package dev.roanh.picross
dx - Variable in class dev.roanh.picross.Board
Grid translation along the x-axis.
dy - Variable in class dev.roanh.picross.Board
Grid translation along the y-axis.


endTime - Variable in class dev.roanh.picross.Board
The time at which this board was solved or -1L.
enterTestMode() - Method in class dev.roanh.picross.Board
Enters test mode.


FADE_COMPOSITE - Static variable in class dev.roanh.picross.Board
Composite to draw area actions with.
frame - Static variable in class dev.roanh.picross.Main
Main frame for this program.


gameContainer - Static variable in class dev.roanh.picross.Main
The panel holding the game board.
getPassedTime() - Method in class dev.roanh.picross.Board
Gets the number of milliseconds that have passed since this board was created.
getPreferredSize() - Method in class dev.roanh.picross.Board
getSeed() - Method in class dev.roanh.picross.Board
Gets the seed for this board.
getState(int, int) - Method in class dev.roanh.picross.Board
Gets the state of the tile at the given coordinates.
getTileCount(Tile) - Method in class dev.roanh.picross.Board
Returns the total number of tiles in the grid of the given type.
getTileCount() - Method in class dev.roanh.picross.Board
Returns the total number of tiles in the grid.
getZoom() - Method in class dev.roanh.picross.Board
Gets the current zoom level.


height - Variable in class dev.roanh.picross.Board
Number of rows in the grid.
height - Variable in class dev.roanh.picross.Seed
The number of rows.
hx - Variable in class dev.roanh.picross.Board
Additional tiles selected on the x-axis for the currently selected area.
hy - Variable in class dev.roanh.picross.Board
Additional tiles selected on the y-axis for the currently selected area.


infoField - Static variable in class dev.roanh.picross.Main
Field that displays the board type.
initialiseGrid() - Method in class dev.roanh.picross.Board
Initialises the gird by computing the hints from the seed.
isGridComplete() - Method in class dev.roanh.picross.Board
Checks to see if the entire grid is filled with final solution tiles.
isReal() - Method in enum dev.roanh.picross.Tile
Returns if this tile is a non test mode tile.
isSolutionValid() - Method in class dev.roanh.picross.Board
Checks to see if board in its current states contain no errors and that all hints have been met.
isSolved() - Method in class dev.roanh.picross.Board
Returns whether this board is solved.
isTest() - Method in enum dev.roanh.picross.Tile
Returns if this tile is a test mode tile or not.
isTestMode() - Method in class dev.roanh.picross.Board
Check whether or not test mode is currently enabled.
isWithinBounds(Point) - Method in class dev.roanh.picross.Board
Checks if the given on screen coordinate is within the game grid.
isWithinGridBounds(Point) - Method in class dev.roanh.picross.Board
Checks if the grid cell denoted by the given point is within the bounds of the grid.
isWithinGridBounds(int, int) - Method in class dev.roanh.picross.Board
Checks if the cell denoted by the given coordinates is within the bounds of the grid.


keyPressed(KeyEvent) - Method in class dev.roanh.picross.Board
keyReleased(KeyEvent) - Method in class dev.roanh.picross.Board
keyTyped(KeyEvent) - Method in class dev.roanh.picross.Board


last - Variable in class dev.roanh.picross.Board
Last drag location.
lastPress - Variable in class dev.roanh.picross.Board
Last click location.
leaveTestMode(boolean) - Method in class dev.roanh.picross.Board
Leaves test mode.


Main - Class in dev.roanh.picross
Picross (nonogram) puzzle program.
Main() - Constructor for class dev.roanh.picross.Main
main(String[]) - Static method in class dev.roanh.picross.Main
Starts the program.
MISTAKE_COLOR - Static variable in class dev.roanh.picross.Board
Color used to indicate hint numbers that aren't marked correctly.
mouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class dev.roanh.picross.Board
mouseDragged(MouseEvent) - Method in class dev.roanh.picross.Board
mouseEntered(MouseEvent) - Method in class dev.roanh.picross.Board
mouseExited(MouseEvent) - Method in class dev.roanh.picross.Board
mouseMoved(MouseEvent) - Method in class dev.roanh.picross.Board
mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class dev.roanh.picross.Board
mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class dev.roanh.picross.Board
mouseWheelMoved(MouseWheelEvent) - Method in class dev.roanh.picross.Board
moveViewDown() - Method in class dev.roanh.picross.Board
Moves the view down.
moveViewLeft() - Method in class dev.roanh.picross.Board
Moves the view left.
moveViewRight() - Method in class dev.roanh.picross.Board
Moves the view right.
moveViewUp() - Method in class dev.roanh.picross.Board
Moves the view up.


next - Variable in class dev.roanh.picross.Board.StateChange
The new state of the tile.
nextTileState(int, int, Tile) - Method in class dev.roanh.picross.Board
Gets the next tile stage for the tile at the given location given a specific base action.
nextType - Variable in class dev.roanh.picross.Board
The type of tile to place when the mouse is released.
NUMBERS - Static variable in class dev.roanh.picross.Board
Font to use to draw the hint numbers.


old - Variable in class dev.roanh.picross.Board.StateChange
The previous state of the tile.
openGame(Seed) - Static method in class dev.roanh.picross.Main
Opens a game with the given seed.


paintComponent(Graphics) - Method in class dev.roanh.picross.Board


random - Variable in class dev.roanh.picross.Board
Random number generator for this board.
redo() - Method in class dev.roanh.picross.Board
Redoes the last move undone.
redoStack - Variable in class dev.roanh.picross.Board
Redo stack of moves that can be redone.
reset() - Method in class dev.roanh.picross.Board
Resets the board to its initial cleared state.
resetTranslation() - Method in class dev.roanh.picross.Board
Resets all view translations.
reveal - Variable in class dev.roanh.picross.Board
Whether or not the solution is shown.
rowHints - Variable in class dev.roanh.picross.Board
Hint numbers for each row.
rowJudgement - Variable in class dev.roanh.picross.Board
Current marking judgement for all the rows.


seed - Variable in class dev.roanh.picross.Board
The seed for this board.
Seed - Class in dev.roanh.picross
Class that holds all the information required to define a specific game board.
Seed(int, int, double) - Constructor for class dev.roanh.picross.Seed
Constructs a new seed with the given width, height and density.
Seed(long, int, int, double) - Constructor for class dev.roanh.picross.Seed
Constructs a new seed with the given width, height, density and random number generator seed.
Seed(String) - Constructor for class dev.roanh.picross.Seed
Constructs a new seed from its string form.
seed - Variable in class dev.roanh.picross.Seed
The seed for the random number generator.
seedField - Static variable in class dev.roanh.picross.Main
Field that displays the board seed.
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class dev.roanh.picross.Board
Serial ID.
setNextState(int, int, Tile) - Method in class dev.roanh.picross.Board
Sets the new state for the tile at the given coordinates based on the current game state.
showControls() - Static method in class dev.roanh.picross.Main
Shows a help dialog with the controls.
showGameGUI() - Static method in class dev.roanh.picross.Main
Constructs and shows the GUI.
showRules() - Static method in class dev.roanh.picross.Main
Shows a help dialog with the rules.
showSolution(boolean) - Method in class dev.roanh.picross.Board
Sets whether to show the solution or not.
SIZE - Static variable in class dev.roanh.picross.Board
Size in pixels of the grid cells.
solution - Variable in class dev.roanh.picross.Board
Solution this puzzle is based on.
solved - Variable in class dev.roanh.picross.Board
Whether or not this puzzle is currently solved.
SOLVED_COLOR - Static variable in class dev.roanh.picross.Board
Color used to indicate elements of a solved puzzle.
startTime - Variable in class dev.roanh.picross.Board
The time at which this board was created.
state - Variable in class dev.roanh.picross.Board
Current state of each grid cell.
StateChange(int, int, Tile, Tile, boolean) - Constructor for class dev.roanh.picross.Board.StateChange
Constructs a new change event with the given location and old and new state.


test - Variable in class dev.roanh.picross.Board.StateChange
True if test mode was enabled during this change.
TEST_MODE_COLOR - Static variable in class dev.roanh.picross.Board
Color used to indicate test mode related elements.
testMode - Variable in class dev.roanh.picross.Board
Whether or not test mode is enabled.
Tile - Enum in dev.roanh.picross
Enum of different Tile states.
Tile() - Constructor for enum dev.roanh.picross.Tile
timer - Static variable in class dev.roanh.picross.Main
Timer used to update the elapsed game time.
timerField - Static variable in class dev.roanh.picross.Main
Field that displays the elapsed time.
TITLE - Static variable in class dev.roanh.picross.Main
Frame title used for all windows.
toGridX(int) - Method in class dev.roanh.picross.Board
Converts the given x-coordinate in pixel to a grid tile.
toGridY(int) - Method in class dev.roanh.picross.Board
Converts the given y-coordinate in pixel to a grid tile.
toReal() - Method in enum dev.roanh.picross.Tile
Converts this tile to it's non-test mode equivalent tile.
toSelection() - Method in enum dev.roanh.picross.Tile
Gets the area selection variant of this tile.
toString() - Method in class dev.roanh.picross.Seed
toTest() - Method in enum dev.roanh.picross.Tile
Converts this tile to it's test mode equivalent tile.


undo() - Method in class dev.roanh.picross.Board.StateChange
Reverts the change described by this event.
undo() - Method in class dev.roanh.picross.Board
Undoes the last move executed.
undoStack - Variable in class dev.roanh.picross.Board
Undo stack of moves that can be undone.


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum dev.roanh.picross.Tile
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum dev.roanh.picross.Tile
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.


width - Variable in class dev.roanh.picross.Board
Number of columns in the grid.
width - Variable in class dev.roanh.picross.Seed
The number of columns.


x - Variable in class dev.roanh.picross.Board.StateChange
The x-coordinate that changed.
x - Variable in class dev.roanh.picross.Board
x-coordinate of the currently selected grid cell.


y - Variable in class dev.roanh.picross.Board.StateChange
The y-coordinate that changed.
y - Variable in class dev.roanh.picross.Board
y-coordinate of the currently selected grid cell.


zoom - Variable in class dev.roanh.picross.Board
Current zoom level.
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